Felix the Cat

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Felix the cat is no ordinary cat. In fact, Felix is a cat of mystery and intrigue🧐. There are only two things we know about Felix for sure:
  1. 1) We know that his name is Felix the Cat😼.
  2. 2) We know he sleeps🥱, a lot.
From what we discovered about Felix is that he is a chill-cat😎+🐈=😸, in need of a chill-home🏡. If you want a pet that is easy to take care of and is an overall chill annamal🐱, please register at our sign-up page. Felix is 5 years old, warm and cuddly🤗, an Orange Tabby😸. He is a fun lovely cat😺 that is in need of a home, but most importantly a 👩‍👩‍👧family. Must be 21 or older with a valid ID🪪. Background checks are required before adoption. Thank you 🤙🏿😇

pic of felix napping. Picture of Felix eyes partially open. pic of felix the cat sleeping. Felix the cat sleeping in the sun light

👉🏿 German Shepherd Police-dog Cooper Long-Haired Dachshund Goldren Retriever Benny 👈🏿
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